The Connection Between Your Gut and Your Feelings

Drawing of brain on blackboard with brain-healthy food making up half of the brain shape

Healthy foods have a dramatic impact on brain and mental health.

When it comes to staying healthy and happy, our gastrointestinal tract has just as much to do with keeping us strong mentally as it does with keeping us fit physically.  Surprisingly, there’s a strong link between our gut, our emotional well-being, and our cognitive function.  In this article, we’ll explore this connection and learn how looking after our gut can boost moods and thinking.

 Understanding the Brain-Gut Connection

Think of your gastrointestinal tract and your brain as close friends who are in constant contact with each other.  They have a special open line of two-way communication that helps your body work well.  This connection is referred to as the “gut-brain axis”.

 Why Your Gut Matters

A healthy gut is essential because it facilitates the digestion of food and extraction of nutrients your body needs.  Your gastrointestinal tract is also home to trillions of microorganisms (mostly bacteria) that aid in digestion and protect your body.  We call this group of microorganisms the “gut microbiome”.

 Your Mood and Gut Health

Many of us can easily correlate our diet to how we feel physically, but have you ever experienced the mental/emotional strain that can come about after a period of poor dietary choices?  Undoubtedly, if you have spent time around children, you can appreciate the impact of high volumes of sugar and food dye on their mental state and emotional regulation.  Numerous studies have shown that your gut health can affect how you feel emotionally by altering how your brain produces certain chemicals that influence your mood.  If your gut isn’t healthy, it can lead to mood problems, like feeling down or anxious.

 Clear Thinking and Gut Health

Your gut also plays a role in how clearly you think and how well you problem-solve.  A healthy gut is linked to better memory and decision-making, while an unhealthy gut can make you feel mentally foggy and indecisive.

 Probiotics for a Healthy Gut

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that work and live within your gut, aiding in digestion and making nutrients easier to absorb.  These good bacteria can be found in fermented foods (i.e. pickles, kombucha, kefir, kimchi, etc.) and probiotic supplements.  Probiotics can balance your gut microbiome and ensure everything works well, leading to healthy messaging to the brain.

 Taking Care of Your Gut for a Happy Mind

To improve your mood and stay sharp, eat a mix of healthy food rich in dietary fiber.  Fiber acts as food for your good gut bacteria and keeps your gut microbiome strong.  Eating fermented foods, drinking enough water, and taking a probiotic supplement to maintain a healthy diversity of gut bacteria also keeps your belly balanced and happy.

Elevated stress levels can contribute to mental health strain and poor gut health so it is wise to manage stress with relaxation techniques like meditation and deep breathing.

If you have gut issues or mood problems, it’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare expert and I am here to help you walk along the path to a healthier gut and a happier mind.  At Wolfe Family Chiropractic, we’re here to help you stay healthy.  If you have questions or need advice on how to improve your gut health and mood, don’t hesitate to reach out.  Your health is important to us!