People are so concerned about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year but they should really be more concerned about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas!
Read moreAchieving a Healthy Gut: Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Supportive Habits
Maintaining a healthy gut is essential for overall well-being, and probiotics play a key role in achieving this balance. These living microorganisms offer numerous health benefits by enhancing gut health, improving digestion, and boosting the immune system. However, not all bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract are beneficial, and an imbalance can lead to issues like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nutrient deficiencies, known as Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).
Read moreDecoding Signals: Knowing When it's Time for a Chiropractic Appointment
We often are asked the question, "When should I come back?" by our chiropractic patients as they attempt to gain understanding about how to best care for their spinal health and best conserve their time and financial resources. If you are an existing patient, you will often be given a recommendation at the end of your visit, but life has a tendency to creep up and disrupt our best laid plans. If you have missed your recommended follow up for any reason, understanding when your body is in need of a chiropractic adjustment can help you take control of your health. In this article, we'll explore the signs that suggest it's time to schedule a chiropractic visit with myself or Dr. Hannah at Wolfe Family Chiropractic.
Read moreDetoxifying Your Environment: Reducing Toxins for a Healthier Home
Our surroundings play a significant role in our overall well-being, and taking steps to detoxify our living spaces can contribute to a healthier and happier life. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of detoxifying your environment and offer practical tips to create a toxin-free haven.
Read moreCalories In, Calories Out: Is A Calorie is a Calorie?
All calories are NOT created equal in a healthy diet, for several reasons. While the concept of “calories in, calories out” plays a role in weight management, it oversimplifies the complex relationship between nutrition and health.
Read moreThe Connection Between Your Gut and Your Feelings
When it comes to staying healthy and happy, our gastrointestinal tract has just as much to do with keeping us strong mentally as it does with keeping us fit physically. Surprisingly, there’s a strong link between our gut, our emotional well-being, and our cognitive function.
Read moreWhat's in Your Smoothie?
Smoothies are a great addition to your diet, especially if you need a quick meal for on the go.
Read moreThe Importance of Omega-3s
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients which play a vital role in maintenance of good health. Their primary role in our body is the management of inflammation, a common component to many chronic conditions. By supporting a balanced inflammatory response, omega-3s can potentially lower the risk of heart disease, arthritis, and some cancers while increasing the speed of recovery from acute musculoskeletal injuries.
Read moreWhere's the Beef?!
Beef has gotten a bad rap for years, mistakenly, with poor research and reporting. Today, we have a better understanding that it is the importance of the quality of meat that matters most.
Read moreThe Not-So-Dirty Truth about Germs
In our modern world, cleanliness and hygiene have become paramount to safeguarding our health. However, recent research has shed light on the potential risks of overly sterile environments and their impact on our gut health and overall well-being.
Read moreThe Dirty Dozen
The Dirty Dozen represents the twelve produce items that, according to the EWG, have the highest levels of pesticide residue when conventionally grown. The EWG analyzes data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to compile their list.
Read moreWhat's Behind the Lemony Chia Pudding Recipe?
This month's recipe is one of the many tasty recipes in my 4th cookbook. The recipes feature anti-inflammatory foods, they are easy to follow, and are especially delicious. The Lemony Chia Pudding has many healthy components, so let's talk about the benefits of this treat!
Read moreHealthy Food Does Not Have to be Boring!
I loved buying cookbooks at the checkout to expand my horizons. Some recipes were kid friendly and fast - just what I needed. But what I didn't realize is that many of the recipes add highly processed ingredients that contribute to the increase in poor health and wellness that we see all around us today.
Read moreLabel Reading 101
We have all been taught to look at the nutrition info on a food label. It has been ever changing and evolving, and most recently now shows the amount of added sugar, in grams, per serving.
Read moreNatural Constipation Relief in Lapeer County
Natural Constipation Relief in Lapeer County
Misalignments of the vertebrae in the lower back or pelvis can interfere with the electrical and muscular mechanism through which the body accomplishes defecation.
Read moreHalloween in Moderation
Lessening The Impact Of A Treat Oriented Holiday
Dr. Alex and Dr. Hannah had a great time serving apple cider and hotdogs to the Metamora community along side the Metamora Lions Club last night!
As we all wind down from Halloween and look around at the piles of candy collected by the kids, this is a great time to remember that the key to a healthy life is MODERATION! Over indulging in anything (including fun-sized Snickers) can negatively impact your health and have long term consequences. Teaching this lesson to our children early on can help set them up for good health in the future. Be sure to place reasonable boundaries on your children (and yourselves) to make the candy last longer and give you all a better chance at a healthy November! We have heard of parents placing a 1-2 piece limit on candy packed in lunches or a 1-2 piece after dinner dessert rule. The point of these limits isn't to suck the fun out of Halloween, its to ensure your children understand that the decisions they make have a very real impact on their health.
Looking for a way to get the candy out of the house all together? Consider checking with your local dentist offices to see if any of them offer a candy "Buy-Back" program where kids can turn in their candy for cash and the office will donate the candy to American service men and women. If this isn't available in your area, you can always consider "buying back" the candy yourself to help your child pay for that toy or game that will last them much longer than a pillowcase full of Gobstoppers ever could. This is also a great way to earn some brownie points with your coworkers as you stock to office candy dish for a couple of weeks.
However you decide to address the Halloween candy craze, know that the doctors and staff at Wolfe Family Chiropractic are here to help you and your family achieve you maximum health potential!
Prescriptions Playing Politely
How To Find Out If Your Medications Are Working Against Each Other
One of the things we like to review with our patients in the office is their current medications and supplements. This gives us important insight to their health history as well as key information regarding which of their doctors are managing/monitoring what issues. There have been many regulations and statutes implemented in recent years, aimed at improving communication between health professionals and improving the health and safety of patients. Despite these changes, there are still some gaps in the system where information is not fully shared between physicians. When your health is on the line, it is always best to make sure you are being a good self-advocate.
If you have ever taken any form of prescribed medication or regulated supplement, you have likely seen all the warnings and disclaimers that come along with them. One VERY important thing to understand is that certain drugs and supplements can change the action or effectiveness of others quite drastically. Even some foods are discouraged when taking certain medications (ie: grapefruit with atorvastatin/Lipitor). With healthcare providers only seeing you for one small moment in time, it can be difficult to have complete and open communication. Occasionally, a situation arises where a patient fails to completely provide the prescribing doctor with a comprehensive list of all the medications, supplements, over-the-counter remedies, and homeopathic interventions they are utilizing. A less frequent, but often more dangerous, situation can occur when two different physicians unknowingly prescribe medications that have the potential for a severe interaction.
Occasionally the recommendations for a drug will be changed due to new research or reports from doctors/patients. This information can sometimes take quite a long time to be disseminated to every physician and pharmacist. Another risk factor for serious drug interactions is using multiple pharmacies to fill different prescriptions. Pharmacists are a wonderful source of information and will often communicate to the doctor on your behalf if there are any potential red flags with a new prescription. Unfortunately, pharmacists are limited by the information they receive from the doctor and the patient. If you visit multiple pharmacies, be sure that each has a record of ALL your prescriptions in their system to help catch any potentially life threatening interactions.
If you are taking more than one supplement or medication, you should regularly check for possible interactions to proactively avoid any negative consequences to your health. The quickest and easiest way for you to do this is to sit down and make a COMPREHENSIVE list of anything and everything you put into your body that isn’t a food. Even herbs and dietary supplements should be included in this list as they can be just as powerful as some pharmaceutical products. Next, visit a reputable source such as, Medscape’s Drug Interaction Checker or WebMD's version and enter your list. This free service will alert you if there are any potentially dangerous interactions between items on your list. Keep your list up-to-date and have a copy available at ALL doctor appointments.
If you complete this process and find any concerning interactions, DO NOT stop taking any prescribed medications without a direct order from the physician who prescribed it. There are times when the possibility of a negative drug interaction is considered an acceptable risk when the consequences of not taking the medication are far more serious. Only the prescribing physician can explain their clinical rationale. Instead, call the doctor’s office to request an appointment and explain your concern. At your appointment, be sure to take your comprehensive list of supplements and medications with you to be confident they have the most up-to-date information. These appointments can also be a good time to ask your doctor if there are any lifestyle modifications that you can make which may eliminate the need for one or more of your current medications!
Please note that this information is intended for educational purposed only and does not constitute medical advice.