Decoding Signals: Knowing When it's Time for a Chiropractic Appointment

We often are asked the question, "When should I come back?" by our chiropractic patients as they attempt to gain understanding about how to best care for their spinal health and best conserve their time and financial resources.  If you are an existing patient, you will often be given a recommendation at the end of your visit, but life has a tendency to creep up and disrupt our best laid plans.  If you have missed your recommended follow up for any reason, understanding when your body is in need of a chiropractic adjustment can help you take control of your health.  In this article, we'll explore the signs that suggest it's time to schedule a chiropractic visit with myself or Dr. Hannah at Wolfe Family Chiropractic.

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Chiropractic and Vertigo

Did you know that chiropractic can help to reduce or eliminate vertigo symptoms?  Our body's equilibrium is made up primarily of information compiled from the eyes, inner ear, and sensors found in muscle tissue throughout the body.  The upper neck region has the highest density of these sensors and therefore contributes a substantial amount of information to the equilibrium conversation.

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Menstrual Migraine Relief in Lapeer County

Even though menstruation is a  natural process, it draws on the body's resources and puts a stress on the system. Healthy individuals with fully functioning nervous systems can adapt to and respond to stress in a healthy and efficient manner. Misalignments in the upper neck can decrease the ability of the nervous system to respond to stress

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Know Your Flow: Part Two

A Continuation of Part I 

Last week we left off talking about the importance of FLOW in the body and how disruptions in flow can lead to poor health. If you haven’t already, please be sure to read Part I before continuing on!

In addition to direct interference of the nervous system, spinal misalignments in the top of the neck can also change the flow/pressure of blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) between the brain and the body. This change in flow can result in decreased function of systems that feed the brain, remove its waste, and regulate its natural environment. These changes can alter the chemical balance within the brain and result in migraines, vertigo, mental fog, tinnitus, visual disturbances, mood changes, and potentially even some of the more complex neurological illnesses that are rampant in our society today. In addition to the chemical changes within the brain, misalignments in the top of the neck alter the position of the head on the neck, negatively impacting posture and contributing to degenerative changes in the spine over time.

There is a common analogy that is utilized by chiropractors and while it is not 100% anatomically/physiologically accurate, the general principle is very useful when attempting to illustrate the tremendous impact that changes in vital FLOW can have on our bodies. Imagine a beautiful lush garden full of every sort of plant imaginable. Now imagine a large garden hose through which all of these plants are watered every day. If you place a moderate amount of pressure with your foot upon this hose, the overall volume of water that is dispersed is decreased slightly. In a relatively short period of time, plants that are very sensitive to the new, drier conditions will begin to wither and die, followed by those which are a bit heartier. Finally, after a number of years or decades of decreased water flow, even the most robust plants will not be able to survive leaving a barren wasteland where a masterpiece of a garden once stood. However, if we were to intervene at some point, remove the pressure upon the hose and restore proper flow, the garden would begin to thrive once again and have a chance at being restored to its former glory and vibrancy.  

Chiropractors recognize the intelligent power of the body to repair damaged tissue and restore health to the individual. These processes of repair and regulation depend upon a fully functioning nervous system without any barriers to its flow and a generally healthy lifestyle. When you visit a chiropractor that understands this basic principle of health, they will assess your body and determine the location of any spinal misalignments which may be negatively impacting your health. Using some of the most advanced tools available today, the doctors at Wolfe Family Chiropractic in Metamora evaluate each person as a unique individual requiring a tailor-made approach to care depending on their specific misalignments and health history. Over time, the use of precise adjustments allows the doctors to restore proper position of the misaligned spinal vertebrae and remove interference on the patient’s nervous system flow, allowing it to function properly. When the nervous system is able to function at 100% efficiency, the result is a gradual return to health, increased function of the immune system, decreased pain, and increased vitality.

If you are ready to explore what restoration of your body’s normal and natural flow can do for your health, give us a call at: (810) 212-1200 to discuss how we can help you live a healthier life, naturally through chiropractic!

Know Your Flow: Part One

A Review Of Important Flow Patterns In The Body

     Our friends over at Merriam-Webster Dictionary define "flow" as movement “in a continuous and smooth way.” It is no wonder, then, that health practitioners commonly use this term when talking about health, something we certainly desire to be “continuous and smooth”. The average person knows enough basic anatomy to feel comfortable listening to a description of the cardiovascular system and how blood is pumped from the heart, through the arteries, to the tissues, from the tissues, into veins, and back to the heart. With just a little bit of coaching they could probably even tell you how the blood carries nutrients, removes waste, and delivers oxygen to the cells of the body. If you were to limit the FLOW of blood to an area of the body you would decrease its ability to function in a “continuous and smooth” way. Reduce or stop the flow of blood for long enough and you would deprive tissues of vital ingredients essential to their survival. 

     Blood is just one of many essential components that must flow uninhibited through our bodies in order to sustain health.  The nervous system is the master controller of ALL bodily functions. The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves which extend to every area of your body. The nervous system controls and regulates every conscious and unconscious process in the body and just like the blood that flows through our arteries and veins, the nervous system depends upon unrestricted flow of information from brain to body and back to the brain. When operating unencumbered, the nervous system is capable of meticulously balancing the chemical reactions in our body, directing the operation of our organs, dilating and constricting blood vessels, directing healing processes, integrating sensory information from the rest of the body, and so much more!

     Just like the flow of a blood vessel, the flow of information along the nervous system can be interfered with, causing impaired function and even damage to tissues if the interference is sustained for a long enough period of time. The most common way in which the nervous system is subjected to interference is through the misalignment of spinal vertebrae which applies forces to the nerves reaching out into the body. These misalignments can be present for years or decades before the effects of decreased nervous system function are felt by the individual. Imagine a spinal misalignment causing a slight decrease in the function of one part of the liver. Over the course of several years, the ability of that portion of the liver to process toxins is inhibited as a result of this interference and eventually, the body develops a toxicity leading to poor health. If left uncorrected, this imbalance within the body can lead to premature aging, damage to other organs, and a general feeling of fatigue/sickness.

Check back next week for more about FLOW and how it keeps us healthy!